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How to Set Up Work With an IT Outsourcing Company?

Written by Paula Antalffy | Nov 8, 2023 1:47:47 PM

Navigating the complexities of modern technology demands can be challenging for businesses. However, outsourcing IT functions offers a viable solution, allowing companies to tap into global expertise while focusing on their core business activities. This approach is cost-effective and enables access to specialised skills that may be lacking in-house. The purpose of this article is to guide you through the essential steps of setting up work with an IT outsourcing company. From selecting the right partner to understanding legal nuances and managing projects, this comprehensive guide aims to equip you with the knowledge you need for a successful experience.

If you are seeking an IT outsourcing company to collaborate with seamlessly, Deazy is the right choice. We provide access to a global talent pool of experts with skills across tech stacks to ensure hitch-free development. Contact our team today to learn more about our services.


What Is IT Outsourcing?

It involves delegating certain IT-related operations or services to an external provider with the expertise and resources to perform functions your internal team cannot. Outsourced services can range from software development and cloud computing to data analytics and cybersecurity.


Choosing the Right IT Outsourcing Company

Selecting the ideal agency is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact your business's success. Here's how to go about it:

Research and Recommendations

Choosing the right company is a crucial step that demands meticulous research and careful consideration. The process should ideally begin with soliciting recommendations from trusted sources within your industry. Colleagues, business partners, or even professional networks can offer invaluable insights based on their own experiences with outsourcing.

Online platforms are another rich source of information. Websites that feature client reviews and testimonials can give you a sense of the company's reputation and reliability. You should pay attention to both positive and negative client reviews to get a balanced view of what to expect.

Industry-specific directories can further aid your search. These platforms often provide a comprehensive list of service providers with ratings and reviews. They can help you identify companies that are dependable and specialise in the services you require.

Once you've narrowed down your options, it's time to delve deeper. Many companies publish case studies and white papers on their websites. These documents can offer a detailed look into their expertise, methodologies, and problem-solving capabilities. They can also provide examples of past projects, showcasing the company's ability to deliver results. 

Assessing Expertise and Experience

When evaluating the expertise and experience of the agency, it's essential to consider several factors to ensure you're making an informed decision. Here's a detailed breakdown:



Questions to Ask

Portfolio Examination

Provides an overview of the services offered and past projects handled

Have they managed projects similar to yours? What was the outcome?

Team Qualifications and Certifications

Assesses the competence and expertise of the team members

What are their educational backgrounds and credentials? What development methodologies, tools, and technologies do they use?

Company Longevity

Indicates the reliability and experience based on how long the firm has been in business

How long has the agency been operational? What is their track record?

Client References

Provides firsthand insights into the company’s performance and trustworthiness from past or current clients

Can you speak to past or current clients about their experience, communication skills, and problem-solving expertise?

Management Capabilities

Assesses the efficiency in project management, deadline adherence, and client updates

What management tools do they use? How do they handle deadlines and keep clients updated?

Cultural Fit

This is a critical yet frequently underestimated factor when choosing an IT outsourcing partner. A harmonious cultural fit can streamline workflows, improve communication, and ultimately lead to a more successful project outcome. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  • Communication Style: The first assessment should be the company's communication style. Are they transparent in their dealings? Do they provide regular updates on project milestones, challenges, and successes? Effective communication is the basis of any successful outsourcing relationship. A business that interacts openly and promptly fosters trust and facilitates smoother project execution.
  • Problem-Solving Approach: Next, evaluate the organisation's approach to problem-solving. Are they reactive, waiting for issues to arise before addressing them, or are they proactive, identifying potential challenges and addressing them before they escalate? A proactive partner is invaluable; they can foresee challenges and work on solutions in advance, minimising disruptions and delays.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: In today's fast-paced business environment, agility is key. You should assess how flexible and adaptable the agency company is. Can they adjust to changing requirements or shifts in market conditions without causing significant delays or cost overruns? A versatile partner can adapt quickly, ensuring your project remains on track despite unexpected changes.
  • Alignment With Organisational Values: Consider how well the agency's values match yours. This includes their ethical stance, commitment to quality, and attitude towards employee well-being and corporate social responsibility. A strong alignment of values can create a more cohesive and enjoyable working relationship.

Legal and Contractual Aspects

Embarking on an IT outsourcing venture necessitates a thorough understanding of the legal and contractual elements involved. These documents act as the structural framework of your partnership, outlining each party's roles, expectations, and legal duties. Here's a detailed look at the key components:

Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)

An NDA is typically the inaugural legal document signed by both entities. This agreement is indispensable for safeguarding sensitive data that may be exchanged during the project. It explicitly defines what is considered confidential information, stipulates who is authorised to access it, and prescribes penalties for any breaches. By having a robust NDA in place, you cultivate a sense of trust and security between the parties.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

SLAs form the cornerstone of any outsourcing contract. These documents delineate the calibre and extent of services to be rendered. They usually include Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as response times, resolution durations, and uptime assurances. Importantly, they also specify the recourse or penalties if the agreed service levels fall short. It's imperative to meticulously scrutinise and negotiate the SLAs to ensure they are in harmony with your business goals and that the service provider can feasibly meet these criteria.

Payment Terms

The financial aspects of the contract warrant scrupulous attention. Payment terms, including the currency in which it will be made, the invoicing intervals, and any penalties for late payments, should be unequivocally outlined. It's also prudent to state conditions under which the contract may be amended, such as scope alterations or unforeseen expenditures. Some contracts might incorporate a 'kill fee', which is a predetermined sum payable if the project is aborted prematurely.

Compliance and Legal Jurisdiction

If the external team is based in a different country, specifying the legal jurisdiction that will preside over the contract is crucial. This determines which nation's laws will be invoked for contractual interpretation and dispute resolution. Furthermore, the agreement should address adherence to sector-specific regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for data privacy or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for healthcare.

Termination Clauses

The contract should also encompass provisions for severing the partnership. This could be instigated for various reasons, including agreement violations, subpar performance, or strategic business shifts. Termination clauses should set forth the required notice period, delineate the procedures for work handover, and establish any financial settlements to be made.

Setting Up Work: Project Planning and Scope

Effective planning and scope are integral to the success of any outsourcing endeavour. These elements serve as the roadmap for the project, providing clear guidelines and expectations for both parties involved. Here's a closer look at these crucial aspects:

Defining Objectives

The first step is to clearly define the objectives of the task. What are you aiming to achieve through this partnership? Whether it's software development, data analysis, or cybersecurity, well-articulated objectives provide a focal point for the entire project. This should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) to ensure it is clear and actionable. A well-defined objective sets the stage for aligning the project's scope, resources, and timelines.

Milestones and Deadlines

Once the objectives are set, the next step is to establish milestones and deadlines. Milestones act as checkpoints throughout the project, helping to track progress and assess performance. They should be strategically placed at intervals where significant deliverables are expected. Deadlines for each milestone must be realistic yet challenging, and it's crucial that both parties agree on these timelines. Doing this will keep the project on track and provide opportunities for course correction if needed.

Communication Channels

Effective communication is the foundation of any successful outsourcing project. Therefore, it's essential to set clear communication channels from the outset. Decide on the modes of communication – whether it's email, video conferencing, or project management software – and designate points of contact for both parties. Regular status updates, meetings, and reviews should be scheduled to ensure everyone is aligned and informed. Transparency in communication helps resolve issues promptly and makes the decision-making process more collaborative.

Risk Management

Risk management is an indispensable component of any outsourcing project. Identifying, assessing, and managing uncertainties can significantly influence the project's success and the relationship's overall health. Here's a detailed look at how to approach risk management:

Identifying Risks

The foremost phase in risk management is identifying potential threats that could derail the project. These could range from technical challenges, such as software bugs or system outages, to operational issues, like delays in deliverables or budget overruns. Additionally, there may be compliance risks related to data protection laws or industry-specific regulations. A comprehensive assessment at the outset lets both parties know what could go wrong, thereby enabling proactive planning.

Mitigation Strategies

Once risks are identified, the next step is to develop mitigation techniques. These are action plans designed to prevent the threat from occurring or reduce its impact should it materialise. For instance, regular code reviews could be a mitigation strategy for software bugs, while a robust change management process could reduce the danger of scope creep. It's crucial that these mitigation strategies are agreed upon by both parties and incorporated into the project plan.

Contingency Plans

These are predefined actions to be taken if a risk event occurs. For example, a contingency plan for a data breach could involve immediate isolation of affected systems and activation of a crisis communication plan. It provides a structured response to adverse events, helping to minimise damage and expedite recovery.

Quality Assurance and Monitoring

Ensuring the highest quality of work is a paramount concern in any IT outsourcing project. Quality assurance and monitoring mechanisms are instrumental in achieving this goal. They provide a structured approach to evaluating the project's progress and performance, thereby ensuring that the final deliverables meet the agreed-upon standards. Here's how to effectively implement these mechanisms:

Regular Updates

Consistent and regular updates are essential for keeping all stakeholders informed about the project's status. These updates should be scheduled at fixed intervals – be it weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly – and should cover key aspects such as completed tasks, upcoming milestones, and any challenges encountered. Frequent updates offer a snapshot of the project's health and allow timely interventions if things go off track.

Performance Metrics

This serves as a quantifiable indicator of the project's success. These could range from technical metrics like code quality and system uptime to business metrics such as return on investment (ROI) and client satisfaction scores. It's crucial to agree on these at the project's outset and to monitor them closely throughout its duration. 

Feedback Loops

Feedback loops are an integral part of quality assurance. These are structured channels through which both parties can provide and receive feedback on the project's progress and performance. Whether through regular review meetings, customer surveys, or internal assessments, they offer valuable insights into what's working well and what needs improvement. Also, they encourage a culture of continuous improvement and accountability, ensuring that any issues are promptly identified and addressed.

Build Long-Term Relationship

Cultivating a long-term relationship with your outsourcing partner can yield significant benefits, including cost savings, enhanced expertise, and streamlined operations. However, building and maintaining such a relationship requires strategic planning and ongoing effort. Here are some key considerations:

Key Aspect




Periodic Reviews

Assess the health of the outsourcing relationship by evaluating performance against KPIs and SLAs

Quarterly, Semi-annually, Annually

Constructive feedback, data-driven decisions

Scaling Opportunities

Discuss the agency's ability to scale services in alignment with your business needs, whether it's growth or contraction

As needed

Ensures alignment with business objectives

Renewal Terms

Engage in discussions about the terms for renewing the contract

Well before contract expiration

Opportunity to renegotiate pricing, scope, and SLAs


Outsource IT Operations to Deazy

At Deazy, we tackle your software outsourcing needs by offering you handpick nearshore developers who are in tune with your business culture and have the technical skills to ensure your product meets and exceeds expectations.

We have a global network of thoroughly vetted, top-performing development teams that utilise the latest technology to give your project the boost it needs. Moreover, our streamlined project management approach significantly reduces your administrative costs. Our engagement model is crafted to minimise both financial and operational risks, thus offering you both efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

We stand by the quality of our work, offering guaranteed project delivery. If any issues do arise, we're prepared with alternative solutions and can adjust the team structure to keep your project on track. This gives you the flexibility to make necessary changes without worrying about additional costs.

Plus, getting your ideal development squad up and running with us is straightforward and hassle-free:

  • Day 1: Arrange an initial call to discuss your specific requirements.
  • Day 3: Begin evaluating handpicked developers suited to your project.
  • Day 7: Finalise your project specifications and onboard your new team members.

We're not just a service; we're a partnership that equips you to navigate the intricate world of software development with ease and confidence. Get in touch with our team today. 



Embarking on an IT outsourcing journey is a strategic decision that can offer many benefits, from cost-efficiency and access to specialised talent to scalability and risk mitigation. However, the success of this venture hinges on diligent planning and selecting the right outsourcing partner. From legal and contractual considerations to project planning and long-term relationship building, each aspect requires careful thought and execution.

If you're contemplating outsourcing, Deazy is a reliable partner that can meet your diverse needs. With a proven track record, expertise across various IT domains, and a commitment to delivering excellence, we can help you navigate the complexities of outsourcing. By aligning with a partner like us, you're not just outsourcing tasks but gaining a long-term ally committed to your company's growth and success. Take the step today to transform your business operations and achieve your strategic objectives more efficiently. Contact our team


Frequently Asked Questions 

What does an IT outsourcing company do?

This firm provides specialised technology services, such as software development, data management, and cybersecurity, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations.

How do I start outsourcing work?

To start outsourcing, identify your business needs, research potential partners, evaluate their expertise, and establish a contractual agreement outlining scope, timelines, and deliverables.

How do companies outsource IT projects?

Firms outsource IT projects by defining objectives, selecting a qualified outsourcing partner, negotiating contracts, and setting up communication channels for project management and reviews.