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Outsource vs In-house Development

Written by Paula Antalffy | Aug 23, 2023 3:52:27 PM

Deciding between hiring an in-house development team or using an outside company is a big choice for businesses. This is because making the right decision can scale your business and keep you ahead of the competition. In this blog post, we'll explore these two options in a simple and easy-to-understand way by looking at their pros and cons and when it is best to use each. Whether you're just starting your business or have been around for a while, this guide will help you understand in-house development vs outsourcing. Let's get started!

Are you planning to outsource software development? At Deazy, we make it easy for you to find all the experts you need to develop a functional software product for your business. Get in touch

IT Outsourcing: Quick Statistics to Look At

Outsourcing development has become a significant part of the global business landscape. Here are some quick statistics to give you an idea of the current state of IT outsourcing:

  • There has been a significant increase in IT and software development outsourcing. The global market size was valued at $520.74 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.7% from 2020 to 2027.
  • Global spending on outsourcing is expected to reach a staggering $731 billion in 2023, with IT outsourcing (ITO) accounting for a significant portion of this expenditure.
  • A whopping 92% of the top 2000 global companies had IT outsourcing contracts in the last three years.
  • Startup software development outsourcing is projected to rise by 70% in 2023.
  • 27% of small businesses outsourced their IT services in 2022.
  • Many companies are adopting a hybrid approach which allows them to leverage the benefits of outsourcing while maintaining control over key aspects of their projects.
  • There has been a shift towards nearshoring and onshoring, where organisations outsource to providers in the same or nearby countries. 

Quick Overview on Outsourcing vs In-house 

Here is a comparison of outsourcing and in-house software development to help make your decision.



In-house Development


Often more cost-effective because of lower labour costs in other countries and no overhead costs.

It can be more expensive due to salaries, benefits, training, and overhead costs.


Less direct control over the project as it's managed by an external team.

Full control over the project, from planning to execution.


Potential for communication challenges due to language barriers or time zone differences. 

Easier communication as the team is in the same location and shares the same language and culture.


Access to a wide range of skills and expertise and the ability to scale up or down as needed.

Limited to the in-house team's skills but a deeper understanding of the company's goals and culture. 


It can be faster as the outsourcing company can start immediately and work around the clock.

It may be slower due to the need to recruit and train staff.


Potential risks of sharing sensitive information with a third party.

Higher level of confidentiality as all work is done within the company.


Allows the company to focus on its core competencies.

It may divert resources and attention away from the company's core competencies. 


What Is In-house Development?

In-house development is a hiring strategy where all tasks and activities related to a project are performed within the organisation. This means the firm employs its team of specialists, such as software developers, project managers, and quality assurance testers, who work directly under its management. These experts are fully integrated into the business's structure, sharing its values, culture, and goals. 

Pros of In-House Development

  1. Control: With in-house development, businesses directly oversee the entire project. They can closely monitor progress, make real-time adjustments, and ensure the software product aligns with their vision and standards. This level of control can lead to an outcome that closely matches the original concept.
  2. Communication: They share the same physical or virtual workspace, which can facilitate communication. This makes it easy to hold meetings, brainstorm sessions, and solve problems, leading to quicker decision-making and problem-resolution.
  3. Confidentiality: For projects involving sensitive data or proprietary technology, in-house development can provide higher security. The business has full control over who has access to this information, reducing the risk of data breaches or leaks.
  4. Flexibility: In-house squads can be more agile and adaptable. They can quickly respond to project requirements, market conditions, or business strategy changes, ensuring the project remains relevant and effective.

Cons of In-House Development

  1. Cost: Building and maintaining an in-house team can be costly. Beyond salaries, there are costs for benefits, training, recruitment, and infrastructure. These expenses can be prohibitive, especially for small businesses or startups.
  2. Time: Recruiting, hiring, and training a skilled team that works from your office takes time. This can delay the start of projects and extend their timelines, which could be detrimental in fast-paced industries.
  3. Limited Skills: Your employees may not have all the skills needed, especially if it involves specialised or emerging technologies. This could limit the project's scope or quality or necessitate additional training or hiring.
  4. Scalability: Scaling up an in-house team to handle larger or additional projects can be challenging. It involves recruiting and training more staff, which can be time-consuming and costly. In contrast, outsourcing allows for quicker and more flexible scaling.

When to Hire In-House? 

Engaging an in-house squad can lead to more effective solutions when a project is tied directly to your firm's core competencies. This is because your team, with its deep understanding of your business, can tailor their work to fit your unique needs. 

Aside from that, it is also a strong choice for long-term tasks. These projects often require ongoing maintenance or updates, and a team that works from your office can provide continuity and quick response times. They're already familiar with the project's history, which allows them to handle updates or troubleshoot issues more efficiently. 

Finally, your company culture can play a significant role in the decision. If your organisation values close collaboration and direct communication, in-house development can foster these values. 

What Is Outsourced Development? 

Outsourcing involves delegating tasks to an external agency or third-party service provider. This can include various activities such as application development, web development, software testing, and system integration. The outsourced development team can be located anywhere in the world, providing flexibility and a wider talent pool. 

Pros of Outsourcing Development 

  1. Cost Savings: One of the primary reasons firms choose to outsource is the potential for significant cost savings. You eliminate the need to hire full-time employees and all the associated costs, such as salaries, benefits, office space, and equipment. Additionally, you save on training expenses as the outsourcing partner is responsible for upskilling their team. This can be particularly beneficial for small businesses or startups with tight budgets.
  2. Access to Expertise: It opens up a world of talent that may not be readily available in your local market. This is especially valuable in software development, which requires a wide range of specialised skills. An external dev team can bring experts in specific technologies or methodologies, ensuring your project benefits from the latest industry practices. 
  3. Focus on Core Business: Outsourcing non-core functions allows your team to concentrate on what they do best. This means they can spend more time on strategic activities that drive business growth and competitiveness, such as product innovation, customer relationship building, or market expansion. 
  4. Scalability: When you engage an external team, you gain flexibility in terms of team size. You can quickly increase the number of experts during peak periods or scale down when certain skills are no longer needed. This flexibility can be a significant advantage in software development's fast-paced, project-based world.
  5. Speed to Market: With a dedicated external team working on your project, you can often accelerate your development timeline. This can help you get your product to market faster, giving you a competitive edge. The outsourcing partner can work around the clock, further speeding up the development process.

Cons of Outsourced Development

  1. Communication Challenges: When you outsource development to an external team, especially in a different country, you may face communication challenges. These can stem from language barriers, time zone differences, and cultural nuances. Misunderstandings can lead to errors, delays, and frustration.
  2. Quality Control: Maintaining consistent quality standards can be more challenging with an external team. The external partner may interpret specifications differently or have different quality benchmarks. Regular reviews, clear quality expectations, and robust testing procedures can help ensure that the final product meets your standards.
  3. Security Risks: Outsourcing projects, particularly those involving sensitive data, can expose your business to security risks. Data breaches can damage your firm's reputation and result in legal consequences. 
  4. Dependency: Over-reliance on an outsourced team can lead to losing internal capabilities and create dependency. This can be risky if the partner fails to deliver or if the partnership ends. 
  5. Hidden Costs: While outsourcing can offer upfront cost savings, there can also be hidden costs. These can include costs associated with managing the relationship, transitioning services, or rectifying errors. It's important to factor these potential costs into your decision-making process.

When to Outsource 

Hiring an external team can be a strategic move under several circumstances. It provides access to a global talent pool if your project requires specialised skills that your in-house team lacks. This is particularly useful for projects involving emerging technologies or complex requirements. 

It is also a viable option when you need to scale up quickly. If you have a large project or a tight deadline, the partner can provide the necessary resources promptly without the time and expense of hiring and training new staff. Cost considerations can also lead to engaging an external dev squad. If budget constraints are a concern, outsourcing can provide significant savings, particularly to countries with lower labour costs.

Finally, if your team is already stretched thin or the project is outside your core business areas, outsourcing will make your team focus on their primary responsibilities and strategic activities. This can boost overall productivity and efficiency.

Should I Outsource or Hire In-house?

The decision to outsource or hire in-house is strategic and depends on various factors specific to your business. Hiring an external dev team can be cost-effective if your project requires specialised skills that are hard to find or expensive in your local market. It also allows for quick scaling and can speed up project timelines. 

However, an in-house team might be more suitable if the project involves sensitive data, is core to your business, or requires a deep understanding of your company's culture and objectives. In-house teams also offer better control over the project and can be more flexible and responsive to changes.

It's also worth considering a hybrid approach, where some tasks are handled in-house and others are outsourced. This can balance control, cost-efficiency, and access to a wide range of skills. Always remember that the right choice depends on your specific needs, resources, and strategic objectives.

Outsource Development to Deazy

At Deazy, we simplify development by connecting you with a global network of pre-screened, high-performing development teams. We're committed to creating opportunities worldwide and fostering a culture of transparency and respect.

When you outsource to us, you gain access to specialist talent that can extend beyond your in-house team. Our expert developers are ready to tackle complex builds and integrations, whether you need project outsourcing or team augmentation. Aside from that, we ensure quick onboarding and efficient delivery and guarantee the quality of our service.

Our in-house product team oversees delivery, handles change requests, and manages feedback and escalations, ensuring your project stays on track. Aside from that, our service is designed for flexibility. You can add development talent or pre-assembled dev squads as needed and scale down when they're no longer required without incurring additional costs.

Getting started with Deazy is easy. Schedule a call with us to discuss your development needs. We'll provide you with developer and team proposals tailored to your project. Once you've made your selection, share your project specifications and start onboarding your new team members. With Deazy, building a high-performing development team is a breeze. Get in touch with our team now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is outsourcing better than in-house?

Outsourcing can be more cost-effective than in-house operations. It eliminates expenses such as salaries, benefits, and training. Even with hourly rates, outsourcing often proves cheaper than maintaining an in-house team, and contractors are typically adept at staying within budget.

Why do companies choose to outsource?

Engaging an external team can streamline work processes, freeing up time to focus on their core business. By delegating key areas like sales and customer service to outsourced teams, companies can dedicate more time and resources to strategic planning and implementation.

What is the difference between outsourcing and in-house?

In-house operations are typically conducted on-site, while outsourcing involves delegating tasks to an external organisation. This external entity operates separately from the primary organisation's operations, providing a distinct set of services.