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How to Manage an Outsourced Team

Written by Paula Antalffy | Aug 24, 2023 8:07:50 AM

Effectively managing an outsourced team is a critical aspect of modern business operations. Poor management can lead to communication breakdowns, missed deadlines, and diminished productivity. To harness the full potential of an external team, organisations must adopt proactive approaches that foster collaboration, streamline workflows, and build strong relationships with members of a remote dev squad. In this blog post, we consider tips and strategies to master the art of managing an outsourced team successfully.

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What Is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is the practice of delegating specific tasks, functions, or processes of a company to external third-party service providers. This arrangement allows businesses to access specialised skills, reduce operational costs, and focus on core competencies while benefiting from the expertise and resources of external partners.

Managing an Outsourced Team: Things to Do

1. Establish Objectives and Expectations 

Setting clear objectives and expectations is the foundation of cultivating a strong relationship with your outsourced team. Start by effectively communicating the project's vision and goals so that everyone will understand the mission. Also, you should clearly outline measurable targets that align with your organisation's broader objectives and define individual roles and responsibilities. 

Doing so creates a roadmap for success, ensuring a harmonious collaboration that yields favourable outcomes. Embracing this proactive approach not only sets you apart from competitors but also establishes a framework for achieving remarkable results with your team.

2. Create a Clear Organisational Structure

This process involves establishing a well-defined leadership hierarchy and clearly explaining individual responsibilities. By appointing a skilled project manager, you can ensure the smooth and efficient execution of tasks within budget and timelines. A thoughtfully structured team facilitates streamlined workflows, maximises productivity, and improves communication channels. 

When members understand what is expected of them, cooperation becomes more seamless, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts. Embracing a clear organisational structure empowers the team to work cohesively, achieve objectives, and deliver successful outcomes for the business.

3. Help Them Understand Your Company 

Assist them in comprehending your business better by providing insights into its culture, values, departments, mission, and long-term goals. This includes explaining how their roles and job responsibilities interconnect with other departments or the broader company objectives. 

When they grasp the impact of their work on other facets of the business, they can better recognise the importance of their tasks and optimise their actions to collaborate effectively with other members. By fostering this understanding, you empower them to align their efforts, driving greater efficiency and cohesion within your organisation.

4. Communicate Frequently 

Maintaining frequent communication is vital for successfully managing an external dev team. This is because regular and open dialogue helps build trust, strengthens relationships, and enhances collaboration. You can utilise various communication channels, such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and email, to keep devs informed about updates, deadlines, and any changes in requirements. 

Proactively addressing concerns, providing feedback, and seeking input from the outsourced team fosters a sense of inclusivity and involvement. Through consistent communication, you can bridge geographical gaps, overcome potential language or cultural barriers, and ensure everyone is on the same page, working cohesively towards shared objectives.

5. Provide Feedback

Feedback is an important element of the learning and improvement process for individuals and teams alike. When providing feedback, it is essential to be constructive, specific, and timely. Focus on the behaviour or performance, not the person, and offer suggestions for areas of improvement. 

Encourage an open and receptive environment where members feel comfortable giving and receiving feedback. Aim for clarity and empathy in your communication, acknowledging efforts and achievements while addressing areas that need development. Constructive feedback can inspire growth, boost motivation, and enhance team collaboration and productivity.

6. Keep Track of Performance 

Regularly monitoring performance is a fundamental aspect of effective team management. By closely tracking individual and collective progress, you can identify strengths, areas for improvement, and potential challenges. Utilise key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with project objectives to gauge success and make data-driven decisions. Set up performance review meetings to discuss accomplishments, offer constructive feedback, and set new goals. 

Monitoring performance enables you to recognise exceptional efforts and address issues promptly, ensuring continuous growth and optimal results. This proactive approach fosters a culture of accountability, empowers team members to excel, and strengthens the overall performance of the outsourced team.

Outsource Top-Notch Devs from Deazy

Deazy is your ultimate destination for hassle-free and high-quality outsourcing of top-notch developers. With our vast global network of pre-vetted and high-performing development teams, we offer a seamless solution to supercharge your projects. When you partner with us, you gain access to specialist talent that goes beyond the capabilities of your in-house team. Our experts are handpicked for their expertise, ensuring you get the best-fit professionals for your unique requirements.

But that is not all. We offer the flexibility to power up or down your team based on your project's demands. Whether you need to scale up for a complex project or scale down during quieter periods, we adapt to your needs, ensuring cost-effectiveness and optimal efficiency.

Getting started is simple and swift. Just book a call with us to discuss your project goals and preferences. Our team will curate the best developers tailored to your requirements. Once you've reviewed and approved the selected devs, we're ready to start building your dream project.

Embrace risk-free outsourcing with Deazy and experience the difference in efficiency, expertise, and performance. Why not contact our team? 


Effective management of an outsourced team requires a proactive and strategic approach. Clear communication, well-defined objectives, and regular engagement are essential to bridge geographical and cultural gaps, fostering a cohesive and motivated team. Aside from that, monitoring performance and acknowledging and valuing members' expertise while nurturing a collaborative environment will lead to successful outcomes. By implementing these strategies, businesses can unlock the true potential of their outsourced teams and drive sustainable growth.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are the key factors essential to effectively manage outsourcing?

Clear communication, well-defined objectives, regular engagement, quality control, data security, legal compliance, performance monitoring, cost analysis, and nurturing a collaborative environment are all crucial elements.

What are the four factors to consider before outsourcing?

Before outsourcing, businesses should assess their needs, evaluate potential service providers, ensure alignment with company objectives, and analyse the potential cost savings and risks.

What are the challenges of outsourcing?

Communication barriers, quality control, data security and privacy concerns, hidden costs, loss of organisational knowledge, cultural differences, lack of control, and potential negative public perception are significant challenges faced in outsourcing.