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Why Does Outsourcing Sometimes Fail?

Written by Paula Antalffy | Aug 24, 2023 7:38:45 AM

Outsourcing, the practice of delegating tasks to external agencies or freelancers, has become a strategic tool for firms looking to streamline operations and reduce costs. However, despite its numerous advantages, it doesn't always yield the desired results. In fact, it can sometimes lead to unexpected failures. In this blog post, we will look at why outsourcing sometimes fails and provide insights that can help companies navigate the complexities of hiring an external provider.

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1. Misunderstanding of Goals and Objectives

One of the primary reasons outsourcing can fail is due to a misunderstanding of goals and objectives. When a firm hires an external team, it's crucial to clearly define what they hope to achieve. However, if these goals are not communicated effectively, it can lead to misalignment and, ultimately, failure.

For instance, a software company outsourced its coding tasks to an offshore team with the aim of accelerating product development. However, due to unclear objectives, the offshore team focused on creating feature-rich software, neglecting the firm's primary goal of speed. The result was a delay in product launch, causing significant financial loss.

This example underscores the importance of clear communication of goals and objectives when outsourcing. Without this, even the most promising venture can fail.

2. Lack of Effective Communication

Adequate communication is the backbone of any thriving relationship because it places both parties on the same page regarding expectations, timelines, and deliverables. However, when communication is lacking, it can cause misunderstandings, unmet expectations, and setbacks.

Communication gaps can occur due to various reasons, such as:

  • Language barriers
  • Cultural differences
  • Simply a lack of regular, structured communication. 

For instance, if a company outsources its IT services to a firm in a different time zone and neglects to establish a consistent communication schedule, it can lead to delays and misunderstandings. Important updates might be missed, issues may not be addressed promptly, and the overall quality of service could decline.

In another scenario, if the organisation does not clearly communicate changes in project requirements or deadlines, the service provider might continue working based on outdated information, leading to wasted resources and potential project failure. Therefore, maintaining open, regular, and clear communication is vital in outsourcing to prevent misunderstandings and ensure project success.

3. Inadequate Vendor Evaluation

Proper evaluation is a critical step in the outsourcing process. It involves assessing potential providers based on their capabilities, track record, financial stability, and cultural fit. However, inadequate checks can lead to a mismatch between the company's needs and the team's capabilities, resulting in disappointment.

For example, a company might hastily choose a partner based on cost alone without thoroughly vetting the expertise and experience in the required field. This could lead to subpar service quality, missed deadlines, and a failed outsourcing venture. This example highlights the importance of conducting thorough due diligence when selecting an external dev squad to ensure a successful relationship.

4. Cultural and Time Zone Differences

Culture and time differences are other reasons outsourcing fails. Differences in work culture can lead to mix-ups and conflicts. For instance, communication styles, work ethics, and business practices can vary greatly across cultures. A company in the U.S. might expect direct and prompt feedback, while their partner in Japan might prefer a more indirect and polite communication style. Such differences, if not understood and managed, can lead to miscommunication and strained relationships.

Time zone differences can also pose challenges. When a firm and the external team operate in different time zones, coordinating meetings and ensuring timely responses can become difficult. This could lead to delays in decision-making, slower problem resolution, and inefficiency.

To overcome these challenges, investing time in understanding the other party's culture and work practices is important. Establishing clear communication protocols and schedules is crucial for managing time zone differences. Also, using project management tools that allow asynchronous updates can help. 

5. Unclear Requirements/Expectations

Clarity in requirements and expectations is fundamental to successful outsourcing. When a company, for instance, contracts out code development, it must precisely define all aspects, including the process, tools to be used, talent required, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), timelines, testing protocols, expected outcomes, ownership rights, intellectual property considerations, and commercial terms. 

Unclear expectations could include vague project deadlines, unspecified quality standards, or undefined communication protocols. For instance, a firm might expect daily updates from the team, but if this isn't explicitly stated, it could lead to misunderstandings and dissatisfaction.

Therefore, to prevent misunderstandings and ensure smooth execution, every detail must be articulated and agreed upon before commencing the project.

6. Lack of a Proper Exit Strategy 

A proper exit plan is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of outsourcing. An exit strategy outlines the process for terminating the relationship, including the transition of services back in-house or to a new provider.

Without a well-defined exit strategy, companies can face numerous complications. For instance, if an organisation decides to end a contract due to poor performance but lacks a transition plan, it could lead to service disruptions, customer dissatisfaction, and potential financial losses. In another scenario, if intellectual property rights and data ownership aren't clearly addressed in the exit strategy, it could lead to legal disputes and data security issues.

Moreover, the absence of an exit plan can make it difficult to hold the provider accountable for maintaining service quality towards the end of the contract, leading to further complications. Therefore, to ensure a smooth transition and minimise potential risks, it's essential to have a comprehensive exit strategy in place when entering an outsourcing relationship.

7. Ignoring Employee Morale and Company Culture

Outsourcing can have a significant impact on employee morale and company culture, factors that are often overlooked during the decision-making process. When a business decides to hire an external team, it can create uncertainty and fear among internal employees, potentially leading to decreased enthusiasm and productivity.

For example, staff might fear job loss or feel undervalued if their tasks are contracted out, leading to decreased job satisfaction and performance. Moreover, the introduction of an external team can disrupt the company's culture and dynamics, causing friction and communication issues. Ignoring these factors can lead to a decline in employee engagement and productivity, negatively impacting the overall business performance. 

Therefore, when planning to outsource, it's crucial to consider the potential impact on your in-house team and the business culture. Transparent communication, reassurance, and proper change management strategies can help mitigate these issues.

Let Deazy Develop Your Outsourcing Roadmap 

Deazy is committed to making development simple and efficient. That is why we have created a global network of pre-vetted, high-performing development teams ready to help you take your projects to the next level. 

We provide access to specialist talent that might be beyond your current team's scope, ensuring that no project is too complex or challenging. Aside from that, we guarantee delivery, ensuring that your projects are completed on time and to your satisfaction. Moreover, we offer the flexibility to scale up or down as per your needs, providing you with a cost-effective solution that can adapt to your changing requirements.

Getting started is simple. Book a call with us to discuss your needs. We will then review our pool of handpicked developers to find the ones that best match your project requirements. Once you've briefed us on your project, we can start collaborating. With Deazy, you get a partner who is committed to your success, offering you a seamless outsourcing experience. Get in touch with our team today!


While outsourcing can offer numerous benefits, it's not without its challenges. Misunderstandings of goals, ineffective communication, inadequate evaluation, cultural and time zone differences, unclear expectations, lack of a proper exit strategy, and ignoring the impact on employee morale and company culture can all lead to failures. However, with careful planning, clear communication, and thorough assessment, these pitfalls can be avoided, making outsourcing a successful strategy for business growth.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are the problems with outsourcing?

The problem with outsourcing is the potential for miscommunication and misunderstandings, which can arise from unclear goals, cultural differences, and inadequate vendor evaluation.

What are the main outsourcing disadvantages?

The main setbacks include potential quality issues, loss of control over processes, communication challenges, impact on employee morale, and complications in ending the relationship.

What five important issues will you consider before outsourcing?

Consider the clarity of your goals, the communication strategy, the thoroughness of vendor evaluation, the potential impact on employees, and the presence of a well-defined exit strategy.