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Will Companies Ever Stop Outsourcing? I Deazy

Written by Paula Antalffy | Nov 8, 2023 2:05:16 PM

Outsourcing has become a cornerstone in today's corporate strategy. As firms strive for efficiency and cost-effectiveness, the debate around sustainability and ethics intensifies. Understanding the future of this practice is crucial because it has broader implications for labour markets, economic policies, and even work culture. This blog post explores the current and future trends and whether companies will ever cease outsourcing.

Are you considering outsourcing your software development? Why not discover the ideal developer for your venture at Deazy? We boast a comprehensive network of skilled developers, product designers, and software testers capable of crafting a functional software solution tailored to your business needs. Contact our team today. 


What Is IT Outsourcing?

It refers to engaging external service providers to manage information technology functions. This can range from infrastructure and software development to cybersecurity and data analytics. 

Types of Outsourcing

The table below outlines the diverse forms of IT outsourcing options available to businesses, along with their respective pros and cons.





Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

Entire business functions like customer service and human resources are contracted out to third-party providers.

Focus on core competencies; reduced operational costs.

Potential loss of control over business functions.

Staff Augmentation

Hiring of specialised personnel temporarily for short-term projects.

Access to specialised skills; no long-term commitments.

It can be costly; there is a need for integration with an existing team.


Contracting tasks to service providers within the same country.

Ease of communication; cultural and time zone alignment.

Often more costly than offshoring.


Contracting tasks to foreign agencies, usually for cost-saving reasons.

Significant cost savings and scalable operations.

Language barriers, cultural differences, time zones.


Assigning tasks to companies in neighbouring countries.

Easier collaboration, some cost benefits, and similar time zones.

May still face some cultural differences.

Cloud Services

Using cloud services for data storage, computing power, and software-as-a-service (SaaS).

Scalability, flexibility, and quick adaptation to market changes.

Security concerns; ongoing subscription costs.

Multisource Outsourcing

Allocating tasks to multiple service providers.

Risk mitigation. You can leverage the best skills and technologies.

Requires robust management and complexity.

The Current State of Outsourcing

According to Statista, the entire outsourcing market was placed at $92.5 billion in the last few years. This figure highlights the significant role it plays in the global economy, particularly in the IT sector. 

Furthermore, Deloitte's Global Outsourcing Survey provides additional insights into some of its trends. According to their findings, 65% of organisations are increasing their outsourcing budgets, indicating a growing reliance on this business model. Furthermore, 78% of firms reported positive experiences with their endeavours, suggesting a high level of satisfaction.

Similarly, the Cybersecurity Insiders report that 30% of organisations are considering contracting out their digital security needs, which is particularly noteworthy. This statistic underscores the sector’s increasing complexity and importance, prompting firms to seek external expertise.

What IT Services Can Be Outsourced?

Outsourcing in the IT sector has become increasingly popular due to rapid technological advancements and the need for specialised skills. Here are some IT services commonly contracted out:

  1. Software Development: Companies often contract out software development to access specialised skills and technologies. This can range from developing custom software solutions and mobile applications to web development. It allows businesses to accelerate development cycles and bring products to market more quickly.
  2. IT Support: Services such as helpdesk and network maintenance can be contracted out to external providers to ensure round-the-clock assistance. This is particularly beneficial for firms that lack the in-house expertise to manage complex IT infrastructures.
  3. Cybersecurity: As mentioned earlier, given the increasing threats to data and privacy, cybersecurity is a critical concern for businesses. Outsourcing online security services like threat monitoring and secure data storage can provide enterprises with advanced protection measures they may not have in-house.
  4. Data Analytics: Firms often contract out this service to benefit from advanced analytical tools and expertise, which can help them gain insights into client behaviour, market trends, and operational efficiency.
  5. Cloud Services: Outsourcing offers scalable data storage, making it a popular option. Firms can use cloud services for various needs, such as file storage, application hosting, and even machine learning capabilities, without the need to maintain physical servers.
  6. Quality Assurance (QA): QA in software development involves various testing methods to ensure the final product meets specified standards. Contracting QA allows businesses to benefit from specialised testing tools and methodologies, ensuring the software is robust and reliable.
  7. Digital Marketing: Digital marketing services like Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and content writing are often outsourced. Firms can take advantage of specialised skills and tools to boost their online presence and get to a wider audience.


Why Companies Will Not Stop Outsourcing

The practice has become deeply ingrained in many enterprises' business models, and there are several compelling reasons to believe that this trend is unlikely to reverse anytime soon. Here are some key factors:


The allure of cost-efficiency is a powerful motivator for organisations to hire an external team. Labour costs can be dramatically lower in countries like India and the Philippines than in Western nations. For instance, a software developer in the United States may command a salary several times higher than their counterpart in India for the same quality of work. 

This significant cost differential extends beyond just wages and includes associated employment expenses like benefits, taxes, and overheads. For companies, especially those operating on thin margins or those looking to maximise profits, the financial incentives are too compelling to ignore. The cost savings achieved can be redirected towards other strategic areas of the business, thereby creating a competitive advantage.

Access to Specialised Skills

The availability of specialised skills is a major factor driving the continued prevalence of outsourcing. Companies often find themselves in need of expertise that is either not available within their current workforce or too costly to develop in-house. Engaging an external team offers a solution to this dilemma by providing access to a global talent pool. 

It means businesses can easily find experts in niche areas such as software development, data analytics, or digital marketing without hiring full-time specialists. This accelerates project timelines and brings in fresh perspectives and cutting-edge skills that can significantly enhance the quality of work.

Focus on Core Competencies

Contracting out non-core functions serves as a strategic move that enables companies to concentrate on their capabilities. Businesses can free up valuable internal resources by delegating tasks like IT support, data analytics, or customer service to external experts. 

This allows them to invest more time and capital into areas central to their business model and long-term strategy, such as product development, innovation, and customer engagement. The ability to focus on these strategic areas not only enhances operational efficiency but also provides a competitive edge in increasingly crowded marketplaces.


Globalisation has fundamentally changed how businesses operate, pushing them to expand their reach across borders. As they enter new markets, the complexities of providing services like support in multiple languages and time zones become increasingly challenging. 

Outsourcing offers an efficient solution to these hurdles. By contracting client service to external providers equipped to handle diverse linguistic and temporal needs, companies can maintain consistent service quality worldwide. This meets buyer expectations and allows businesses to target strategic global expansion efforts without being bogged down by operational intricacies.

Ease of Hiring

Scalability and flexibility are among the most compelling advantages, as they allow companies to adapt quickly to changing business needs without the administrative and financial burdens of scaling an in-house team. For instance, if a firm experiences a sudden surge in demand, it can promptly increase its workforce to meet this need. 

Conversely, if there's a downturn, the company can easily reduce its operations without the emotional and financial complexities of layoffs. This adaptability is especially beneficial for firms operating in volatile markets or those experiencing seasonal fluctuations.

Technological Advancements

Cloud computing has revolutionised the outsourcing landscape, enabling seamless collaboration and data sharing between firms and their partners, regardless of geographical location. Cloud platforms offer secure, scalable, and cost-effective solutions for various business needs, from data storage to application hosting. 

This has not only made it more efficient but also more accessible to organisations of all sizes. The ease of transnational collaboration facilitated by modern technology effectively breaks down previous barriers, making it unlikely that companies will move away from outsourcing in the near future.

Customer Expectations

In today's fast-paced digital environment, customer expectations have evolved to demand 24/7 availability for services and support. Meeting this expectation can be a significant challenge for companies, especially those without the resources to maintain a round-the-clock in-house team. 

Outsourcing provides an effective solution to this dilemma. By leveraging external service providers, often located in different time zones, firms can offer continuous service without the logistical and financial burden of operating a full-time, in-house team. This ensures that queries and issues are addressed promptly, thereby enhancing buyer’s satisfaction and loyalty.

Risk Mitigation

Outsourcing is an effective risk mitigation strategy, particularly in an increasingly uncertain global domain. By dispersing various business functions across multiple geographic locations and different service providers, firms can significantly reduce their susceptibility to local disruptions. 

This could range from natural disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes to political events like strikes or governmental instability. This geographical diversification ensures that a crisis in one location is less likely to have a crippling impact on the entire operation, thereby safeguarding business continuity and reducing downtime.

Positive Track Record

The effectiveness of this practice is further validated by the high levels of satisfaction among organisations that have adopted this business model. This positive track record encourages them to continue with their existing arrangements and serves as a persuasive case for other businesses considering this route. The collective satisfaction across various industries underscores the reliability and benefits of this practice, making it unlikely that enterprises will abandon this well-established practice.


Future Trends in IT Outsourcing

Two key trends that are shaping the future of IT outsourcing are the rise of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) and the building of long-term relationships with outsourced partners.

Automation and Artificial Intelligence 

Automation and AI are revolutionising the way firms approach IT outsourcing. These technologies are enabling more efficient, accurate, and cost-effective solutions. For instance, automated bots can handle routine customer service queries, freeing up human agents to deal with more complex issues. Similarly, AI algorithms can perform advanced data analytics, providing companies with valuable insights that would be time-consuming and expensive to obtain manually. 

However, they also raise questions about job displacement and the ethical implications of machine decision-making. Despite these concerns, the potential for increased efficiency and reduced costs makes it likely that automation and AI will play an increasingly significant role in IT outsourcing.

Building of Long-Term Relationships With Outsourced Partners

In the future, companies are increasingly moving towards establishing long-term relationships with their partners. This shift is driven by the recognition that outsourcing is not just a quick fix for cost reduction but a strategic tool for growth and innovation. Long-term partnerships enable a deeper understanding between the client and the service provider, fostering a collaborative environment. 

This partnership often results in higher-quality output as the external team becomes more aligned with the company's culture, objectives, and expectations. Moreover, such extended relationships offer stability and make it easier to plan for the future, thus making this trend a win-win for both parties.


Outsource Software Development to Deazy 

At Deazy, flexibility is at the core of our services. We understand that your needs can change rapidly, and that's why we offer adaptable engagement options. Whether you're tackling a short-term project or planning a long-term engagement, our scalable solutions are designed to meet your specific requirements.

Aside from that, we also provide unparalleled access to a global talent pool. This ensures that you're not just getting any solution but the best one for your unique needs. Our extensive network allows us to stay ahead of technological trends, offering you cutting-edge services that keep you ahead of the competition.

Additionally, we've taken outsourcing a step further with our handpicked nearshore developers. This approach combines the cost benefits of offshoring with the convenience of working in similar time zones and cultural contexts. The result is a smoother, more efficient collaboration that brings your project to completion faster and more effectively.

Aside from that, we help you manage your teams to ensure you get a functional software product that meets your business requirements. This comprehensive strategy frees you to focus on your core business activities, ensuring that your software development is in expert hands.

Plus, building a team with us is easy and hassle-free: 

  • Day 1: Book an initial call to brief our team on your requirements.
  • Day 3: Start assessing handpicked developers tailored to your needs.
  • Day 7: Share your project specifications and onboard your new team members.

At Deazy, we're not just a service but a partnership that empowers you to navigate the complex software development landscape easily and confidently. Join us, and let's build something awesome together. Get in touch today.



IT outsourcing is undergoing significant transformations, influenced by technological advancements and evolving business strategies. While cost-efficiency remains a primary driver, the focus is shifting towards leveraging specialised skills, enhancing scalability, and mitigating risks. Emerging trends like nearshoring to a nearby country encourage businesses to consider outsourcing as a highly viable option.

However, the future is not without challenges. The rise of automation and AI brings ethical and employment concerns, and geopolitical factors increasingly complicate the choice between nearshoring and offshoring. Despite these complexities, the benefits, particularly in IT, are too substantial for businesses to ignore.

For companies looking to outsource software development, Deazy offers a reliable and efficient solution. With a proven track record and proficiency in the latest technologies, we can help you navigate the complexities of IT outsourcing, ensuring high-quality results that align with your strategic goals. As the landscape evolves, partnering with a trusted provider like Deazy could be a strategic move for future success.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why do companies continue to outsource?

Firms continue to outsource to cut costs, access specialised skills, and focus on core business functions. Plus, engaging an external team offers a flexible, efficient approach to meeting various operational needs.

Is outsourcing increasing or decreasing?

It is generally increasing, driven by technological advancements and globalisation. Studies indicate a rise in outsourcing budgets and positive experiences among businesses.

Why is outsourcing the future?

It is the future due to its scalability, cost-efficiency, and ability to tap into global talent pools. As technology evolves, it will likely become even more integral to business strategies.